Psychic & Mediumship Classes

Every class is LIVE with me (Becky) and interactive with other students- via Zoom) Join the community!

Becky’s Unique Approach and Teaching Style

The mediumship style I practice and teach is, Evidential Mediumship.

What is Evidential Mediumship? Evidential Mediumship is a style of mental mediumship where the medium can sense, perceive, and communicate validating information of particular loved ones in the spirit side of life. The medium brings forth evidential information that is clearly the spirit person communicating between worlds. An evidential medium also has the ability to also connect psychically as well (soul to soul with individuals here in the psychical side of life).

I teach to support the whole medium- not just your mediumship expression but you as a spiritual individual living in a physical world. Every concept we uncover in these courses and mentorship are ones that you can bring into your own life in efforts to nourish the natural mediumistic qualities within you and for you to build a lifelong and sustainable relationship with your own unique expression, healing, and development. Your psychic and mediumship development has no start or finish line. It is an ever evolving and deepening experience within yourself, your unique expression, and your relationship with everlasting love, and the divine intelligence within and all around you.

Students come to these courses for many reasons some include:

Students who…

  • are curious about empowering their intuition

  • are curious about their own psychic and mediumship potentials

  • wish to empower their psychic and mediumship sensitivities that are at a “high volume” and ready to be empowered with their sensitivities rather than overwhelmed by them

  • have experienced signs from departed loved ones and would like to develop a deeper relationship with that natural connection to the spirit world

  • feel nudged and aligned to these concepts and love being in the uplifting energy of the loving community these courses cultivate.

  • wish to understand their unique healing expression because they feel their soul are aligned with healing

  • are ready to explore the potentials and possibilities of their soul’s expression in mediumship

  • have studied psychic and mediumship in the past and are ready to dive back into their expression and see what unfolds

  • are lifelong learners of the healing art of psychic and mediumship

I believe that…

  • Everyone has the ability to connect to your psychic and mediumship potentials, it’s cultivating the availability in doing so that is the journey.

  • There is a loving intelligence that we connect with that guides us and supports our connection and communication of the soul. Our spiritual connections are divinely orchestrated through the everlasting bond of love.

  • The more we move into the depths of our personal healing journey the more emotional intelligence we can add to our inner library and the more we can perceive our spiritual experiences with clarity.

  • A teacher is someone who can point to potentials, possibilities, and can shine light on aspects of your unique psychic and mediumship expression for you to explore, develop, and refine. A teacher also points you back towards empowering and strengthen your relationship with your own souls wisdom.

  • That more than any teacher; your intuition and the divine intelligence within you always knows what’s aligned in loving truth and your highest good.

  • In the healing and transformational power of Evidential Mediumship.

  • That those who have the quality about their mediumistic expression to share it with others publicly, must make it their priority to do so with the greatest clarity, integrity, love, and reverence as possible.

  • I believe in the power of love.

Level 1 - Beginner

Students of level 1 cultivate greater confidence, connectedness, community, and a foundation for future development. This is a foundational course that level 3 and mentorship students come back to and revisit over and over. 10 transformational weeks of discussion, practices, exercises, and experiences to support you coming home to your natural psychic and mediumistic expression.

Specific Topics in this course include:

  • The 10 Steps Towards Intuitive Empowerment. These are steps that you will come back to as an anchor for your continued (lifelong) healing journey/personal and spiritual development to discover depth in your psychic and mediumship journey and expression.

  • Exercises and Practices revealing the naturalness of your intuition, psychic and mediumistic connections

  • Clare Senses (Soul Senses): Revealing the inner senses of experiential connection and interpreting information psychically and mediumistically

  • The Sitting In The Power Practice: develop and deepen your relationship with this sacred practice that mediums all around the world come home to for their personal and spiritual development.


  • 10 1hr live instruction via zoom and recorded for replay for those who miss class

  • 10 1hr live Practice Playground sessions via zoom

  • Once you’ve taken this course you can re-take it anytime I offer it via Zoom for FREE

Level 2 - Emerging

With level one as your backbone, the level 2 course we allow the multifaceted elements of your mediumship to bloom and emerge. This course is a deep dive into the “inner workings” of your psychic and mediumship expression. Discover, deepen, explore the possibilities and your potentials as a psychic medium with this powerful course. I’ll be sharing the below topics paired with discussions, exercises, Q&A and practices.

Specific Topics in this course include:

  • The 5 Key Ingredients baked into every Reading:

    • Personality

    • Relationships

    • Practical Evidence

    • The Need & The Narrative

    • The Message

  • The mindset of the medium:

    • How to prepare your mind and awareness before readings

    • Exercises to help develop clear and confident communication

    • The 10 Components of Mediumship Mindset


  • 10 1hr live instruction via zoom and recorded for replay for those who miss class

  • 10 1hr live Practice Playground sessions via zoom

  • Once you’ve taken this course you can re-take it anytime I offer it via Zoom for FREE

Level 3 - Refining

With the foundational course of level 1 and the informational course of level 2 for your potentials to emerge, we come to level 3 as a means to refine your psychic and mediums expression. This course will include plenty of time for in class exercises and practices paired with specific guidance, coaching and support.

Advanced Topics in this course include:

  • Refining, deepening, and advancing your understanding of the 5 Key Ingredients baked into every reading

  • Cultivating an empowered relationship with “The No”

  • Best Practices for conducting Private Readings

  • Introduction to Group Readings and Demonstrations of Mediumship


  • 10 1hr live instruction via zoom and recorded for replay for those who miss class

  • 10 1hr live Practice Playground sessions via zoom

  • Once you’ve taken this course you can re-take it anytime I offer it via Zoom for FREE


Folks who have completed Levels 1,2,3 or something equivalent and wish to have continued refinement, support, guidance, instruction on advanced topics along with mentorship as you embark on the sacred journey of bringing your psychic and mediumship expression to the general public or for the scared personal expression within. I’ll be there to help support, guide, and love you as you embrace the continued personal development journey that lays ahead.


  • 1hr Group Mentorship 2x a month

  • 1 private one-on-one mentoring 20minute session with me per month

  • FREE admission to all Practice Playground session while you’re enrolled.

Psychic and Mediumship Practice Playground

All courses include admission into the corresponding Psychic and Mediumship Practice Playground or folks to join a-la-cart!

Psychic and Mediumship Practice Playground is a safe space and loving community where you can learn, grow, evolve, stretch and discover how you express your psychic and mediumship potentials. The Practice Playground is a space to cultivate a deeper understanding of how you work as a psychic and medium. Psychic and Mediumship Practice Playground is a great way to build your confidence!


  • Live 1hr per session where you practice with another psychic medium in paired exercises via zoom breakout rooms

  • I (Becky) will be live and facilitating each practice with a “warm-up exercise” and a practice exercise for each session.

  • Each session will leave time for partner feedback

  • Open to beginners, practicing psychic mediums, professional psychic mediums and everyone in between!

Register for Upcoming Classes: